Chapter 125 I Want to Make Money to Support My Family!

My little wife can really eat, what good fortune!

"Enough, I'm very full," Ye Anran shook her head and glanced at the plate in front of Uncle Bo, then, her cheeks slowly turned a few shades redder.

It really wasn't her fault.

As a university student, her finances were always tight. When dining with a group of university classmates who ate voraciously, she naturally embraced the principle of cherishing food.

"Then you'll have to wait for me; I eat slowly. If the little lady can avoid wasting food, I, as her husband, must also learn this lesson well..." he said, lowering his head to continue eating.

Ye Anran smiled gently, and that bit of embarrassment vanished.

Looking at Uncle Bo, her heart warmly melted inch by inch; she knew he did this to spare her embarrassment.

So, with her hands supporting her chin, she just stared at him eating.

For the first time, she felt that someone could make eating look elegant and beautiful.