Chapter 182 Missing Wife

"He doesn't come to find you, but you still gotta eat well. I was hoping you could come and help me! I never dared to tell you, at the company everyone speaks ill of me, making things difficult in all sorts of ways. I'm actually not as easygoing as I sounded today."

"I knew you were deceiving me on purpose today. You aren't usually that domineering. The Shi's are now all Ye Guoli's lackeys, how could they possibly tolerate you!" Ai Zi forced a smile.

"I was just afraid you'd get too anxious, but seeing how dejected you are, I'm really worried you mightn't recover! Then I'd truly be bullied to death!"

"Keep making up stories, Uncle Bo will definitely protect you! But don't worry, I won't let myself stay down. With a friend like you, I have to at least hold up half the sky for you!"

Ye Anran, hearing Ai Zi's words, smiled gently.

Ai Zi glanced at Ye Anran, picked up some food with her chopsticks, and began to chew softly after putting it into her mouth.