Chapter 205 Ye Rouxin This Bitch

"What do you mean by that?" Mo Shike asked, as the information he had others investigate was only superficial and the real reasons were still largely unknown.

When he heard Ye Rouxin say this, his expression subtly revealed a mix of heartache and hope.

"Although Sister dated Youlin for over a year, she only saw him as your substitute because Youlin's eyes looked similar to yours. Later, Youlin probably realized Sister's attitude. After that, I also fell in love with Youlin. Suddenly, Youlin proposed to me publicly. Sister was heartbroken and furious. She felt that I had betrayed her and stolen Youlin from her, and in a fit of anger, she chose to marry Bo Jinyu."

"Didn't she say she loved Bo Jinyu?" asked Mo Shike.

"How could she possibly like Bo Jinyu? She has always loved you, that much I think you can feel more than anyone else..." Ye Rouxin asked Mo Shike.

"But when I went to see her, she didn't even want to meet me..."