Chapter 213: Your Little Wife

"You're right, that's so wasteful of me~~ Next, I definitely have to eat and drink to my heart's content, I've got to get my money's worth!" She sent a laughing-crying emoji with her message.

She stared at the message and started to smile herself.

Looking down, she bit into the soft, tender black chicken meat, which fell apart as soon as her chopsticks touched it.

She hadn't had lunch, and now looking at the whole, tender chicken, she felt tears of happiness welling up.

"Too bad you won't be back for a few days, looks like I'll have to eat your portion too!"

"Go ahead, when your husband returns, I'll just eat the portion you ate for me..."

"How are you going to eat it back?"

"Eat you."

Ye Anran: ...

Numerous black lines fell across her forehead.

Uncle Bo was getting dirty out of nowhere!

"Uncle, I am a pure girl, please don't tarnish my innocent heart~~"

"We'll see how pure you are when I get back!"

Ye Anran: ...

She realized something—Uncle Bo was a genius...