Chapter 223: The Best Husband Award

"Yes, the dean is my middle school classmate. He just contacted the attending doctor to inquire about the situation for me."

"Thank you, Uncle, now that you've said that, I feel much more at ease," Ye Anran said, both excited and happy as she reached out with both hands and clung to his waist.

Bo Jinyu gave a faint smile, pulling her into a tight embrace: "I had the dean arrange for the best medication, the best hospital room, and we will also hire a professional nurse to accompany the patient around the clock after the surgery."

Tom: ...What do you mean the outlook is very optimistic!

It seems that just as you said, this Bo Jinyu is not a simple man!

Wouldn't a regular man explode upon learning his wife went to visit an ex-boyfriend?

But this one remains completely calm and composed, even bustling about to help!

Plus, arranging the best medication, the best hospital room, the most professional nurse—is all this really necessary for him to worry about?