Chapter 309: Unclear Intentions

Ye Anran thought about it and couldn't help but start smiling, tilting her little face up to look at him, "Husband, did you used to have a cat or a dog?"

Is that why you developed this habit of liking to stroke hair?

"No." Bo Jinyu did not really like those little creatures, so he had never entertained the idea.

"Thank goodness you didn't." Ye Anran laughed.

She was genuinely worried that it wasn't just a habit but that he was treating her like one of his past pets.

"Why 'thank goodness you didn't'?"

"Aww, being thought of as a past pet is even more depressing than being considered an ex-girlfriend!"

"Hmm, if there were such a presence, then I believe, it would be irreplaceable." Bo Jinyu said, gazing at her beautiful delicate face with a beaming smile.

He thought that those who were easily replaceable must not be that important after all!