Chapter 319 Can't Take It Anymore

But they haven't really had any contact, have they?

Could it be that he's also secretly in love with Uncle Bo?

After a few glasses of red wine, Ye Anran's mind was somewhat muddled, which led her to let her imagination run wild... and she suddenly started to think about dirty things...

"Sing a song, come on... sister-in-law!" Yang Zi also started to egg her on.

"I can't sing, and my singing is awful..."

"No way, you have to sing one tonight, come on, I'll pick one for you."

Before having any wine, Ye Anran was determined not to sing at all, but after a few glasses, the aftereffects of the red wine were strong, and since she hadn't eaten much, she was clearly a bit tipsy, and her resolve started to weaken.

Although she was tone-deaf, people who are tone-deaf invariably have the heart of a karaoke enthusiast!

So at this moment, Ye Anran's karaoke enthusiast's heart also came out.