Chapter 329: The Overprotective Husband 1

Bo Youlin received a call from Ye's mother in the middle of the night, saying that Ye Rouxin had experienced a pregnancy scare and was now in the hospital.

Anxiously, he changed his clothes and went to the hospital.

Just as he arrived at the hospital ward, he saw Li Xuewen sitting next to the bed, wiping away tears, while Ye Guoli looked intensely grave.

"Dad, Mom, what happened? Rouxin was fine when I saw her today, how could she suddenly have a pregnancy scare?" Bo Youlin asked.

Li Xuewen looked up at Bo Youlin, her gaze filled with indescribable sorrow as she opened her mouth to speak.

Ye Guoli said in a stern voice, "Enough, let's not talk about this. The doctor said that as long as we take care, there will be no major issues."

"But... sigh, forget it, you and your daughter are always like this!" Li Xuewen sighed with some resentment and bowed her head, no longer speaking.