131. A goodbye wave.

"Neriah, come." He said as he released her hand.

"No." She said and she thought to herself, not once had she gone into his arms. Even on their first night, while she was busy trying to figure out how to seduce him then, he came to her. Not once had she gone to him.

He spoke softly, "Then can I come?" And tonight if she let him, he would go to her again.

She didn't want this to end like it did in the bathroom, so she kept quiet, thinking of how to refuse him and pull him in at the same time.

"Since when did I control your movements?" There, it was neither an invitation nor a rejection. It was neutral. At least she hoped her low, somewhat calm words sounded that way.

A low muffled laugh, almost like a cough reached her and what reached her next was the man she knew as her husband. He pulled her close to his body and brought her to his head level and they stared at each other.