179. Woman over work

"" Hakan, at least allow me the luxury of a warm bath. I have just arrived, old man. It was a long trip and thanks to a certain someone it was extended so I believe I deserve at least a bath before you submerge me into work."" Barak said as he sat in his study and before him on the huge oak table were a mountain of documents to attend to.

Hakan, the fine old man with neatly trimmed gray hair had somehow separated him from his dear wife and Barak had no idea how he ended up sitting where he was seated, but somehow, Hakan had done it and with a deadpan expression too.

""Your Highness—"" The old man paused as Barak shook his head, ""I mean, Your Grace, you strictly forbade me from sending work from Fortia to the capital. Now, of course I can work on things myself, but there are matters that need your attention. It would have been more had I not taken care of some.""