190. The surprise.

Half way into the meeting that he was supposed to head, Barak could not explain the feeling of restlessness he had suddenly begun to feel. Of course he was quite nervous since he would be receiving her response that day. His sleep the night before had been short and filled with dreams of her sometimes accepting him and sometimes rejecting him, so he was definitely nervous.

However, somehow the feeling of restlessness that he felt at that particular moment was different. There was no certain way to explain it. He just felt uneasy for some particular reason. And also he felt afraid.

Again, he was certainly afraid because today was the big day, and yet there was this foreign fear that suddenly sprung up halfway into the meeting. It was as though at some point in the meeting, he was two in one and one part was worried about the answer he would be receiving while the other part was worried, scared and restless about some other thing that he could not point out.