237. My dear Spitfire.

And so Neriah did as he asked. For the first time, she told him everything without leaving a single detail out.

She explained how she had met Lyle for the first time and thought he was the perfect man for her. The kind she had prayed for. She told Barak how she had been meeting up with Lyle on certain days in the temple. She made him understand her entire intentions behind going to meet with the prince she was betrothed that night and the things that had gone through her mind when she stood before him then without knowing it was him she sought.

She had been intrigued by the tall, ruggedly handsome dragonblood with golden eyes and curly dark hair who stood before her. And she had hated that she was intrigued because she hated his kind back then.

And when he had brought her into that room that night refusing to let her go, she had been overwhelmed with fear of what he would do to her but was grateful in her heart when he swore not to touch her any further.