
As the rain lashed down relentlessly, Ajax, Donte, and Silas staggered onto the side of the highway, their bodies battered and bruised from their daring escape. Their hearts pounded with a mixture of adrenaline and exhaustion as they sought refuge from the relentless pursuit that had dogged their every step.

But just as they dared to hope that they had eluded their captors, tragedy struck with the force of a thunderbolt. In the darkness, obscured by the sheets of rain, a pair of headlights appeared out of nowhere, hurtling towards them with terrifying speed.

Ajax and Donte's cries of warning were drowned out by the roar of the engine as the car bore down on them, its tires screeching on the wet asphalt. Silas, weakened by his injuries and disoriented by the chaos of their escape, stumbled and fell directly into the path of the oncoming vehicle.

Time seemed to slow to a crawl as the car struck Silas with a sickening thud, sending him flying through the air like a ragdoll before crashing to the ground in a tangle of limbs. Ajax and Donte's hearts froze in horror as they watched helplessly, their screams lost in the roar of the storm.

The car screeched to a halt, its occupants spilling out into the rain with a mixture of shock and panic. Ajax and Donte rushed to Silas's side, their hands trembling as they desperately checked for signs of life. Blood pooled beneath him, mingling with the rain as his breath came in ragged gasps.

"He's alive," Donte whispered hoarsely, relief flooding through him like a tidal wave. "But he's badly injured."

Ajax's hands shook as he dialed emergency services, his voice strained with emotion as he relayed their location and the extent of Silas's injuries. Minutes stretched into eternity as they waited for help to arrive, their hearts heavy with guilt and fear for their friend's life.