Finding Shelter

As the night grew deeper, Ajax, Donte, Silas, and the four teenagers found themselves standing before a stately mansion nestled amidst the city's outskirts. Its grandeur stood in stark contrast to the dilapidated buildings they had passed earlier, hinting at a life of luxury and comfort within its walls.

Silas's eyes widened in astonishment as he took in the sight of the imposing structure before them. "Is this where you all live?" he asked, his voice tinged with awe.

The teenagers exchanged a knowing smile, their expressions filled with a sense of pride. "Yeah, it is," one of them replied. "We work for a secret organization that saves the world. This is one of our safe houses."

Ajax and Donte glanced at each other in disbelief, their minds struggling to comprehend the magnitude of what they had just heard. Silas, too, seemed stunned by the revelation, his thoughts swirling with questions and uncertainty.

But as they stepped inside the mansion's opulent foyer, their fears and doubts melted away, replaced by a sense of wonder and gratitude. The interior was every bit as magnificent as the exterior, with polished marble floors, towering pillars, and ornate chandeliers casting a warm and inviting glow.

The teenagers led Ajax, Donte, and Silas through the sprawling mansion, showing them to their respective rooms and offering them every comfort imaginable. Ajax and Donte couldn't help but marvel at the luxury surrounding them, their minds reeling with the realization that they were now guests in a world they had only ever dreamed of.