CHAPTER 71 – The Fight Started.

As the Raiders and the Ornithomimids waited for each other to move, there was something moving towards them, and that something was big, fast, and hungry.

The said thing was a T-rex-like beast with its scale made of rock and its sharp teeth made of iron. The T-rex was 7 meters in height and 24 meters in length. However, unlike a normal T-rex, it was thinner and more agile.

It had smelled the scent of the roasted Hatzegopteryx, and as it had been hungry for a while, it decided to go and eat them.


"We got another guest, a big one at that..." Alex's voice broke the silence.

But his words only caused the raiders to become more worried, they didn't know Alex's ability but from the way they saw it, they could guess that Alex had some kind of sensing ability.

So, when they heard his words, they knew that he could sense something moving toward them.