CHAPTER 229 – The Portals.

Clare was the assassin or the one that Argon ordered the keep an eye on Alex and the group.

Whenever the blue eyes were mentioned, it was Clare.

Yes, her eyes were grey, but after she used her skill to hide within the folds of space, her eyes changed color, and that helped her see through the space.

Clare knew that if Luna hadn't taken Cecil in when she took her, then Argon would've done it, and just the thought of Argon having her sister scared her.

So, although she was not happy with Luna for what she did to her sister, she was grateful as well.


But she was not going to accept it.

She turned toward Alex, Alice, and Ann who were still waiting for her to continue.

"The portals…."

Ann reminded Clare about the topic they were on, and Clare nodded her head.

"Some decades ago, these portals started appearing in our world one after another.