CHAPTER 283 - A new form?

//// Author here: I'll release today's chapter early because I'm to sure if I'll be able to release it on time. ////

SD (Shatter Devourer) was a sentient ability. Something like an AI.

But it had emotions, just like any living being would have.

Sure, it was a child, and it didn't even understand those emotions, but that didn't mean it would never make out what they meant.

The process of binding with Alex was just so it could comprehend emotions.

Just so that it could understand what it is supposed to do in this world.

Its role was in Alex's life.

And it didn't take much time for it to get a basic understanding of Alex's thoughts and emotions.

Alex had almost infinite mana, and although the SD took almost all of his mana, it didn't even take an instant for his mana pool to be filled again.

So, the binding process was very fast.