Chapter 3: World Changing News

A few hours later,

Washington D.C. ,White House.

In the white house, the Oval Office great figures all across the world who would be recognized within a second.

The President of Russia, Vladimir Putin.

The President of the Republic of China, Xi Jinping.

The President of The united states of america, Joe Biden,

The President of India, Droupadi Murmu.

Crown Prince of Saudi, Mohammed Bin Salman.

All were discussing and those who couldnt speak english had their translators next to them.

Suddenly all of them stopped talking as a man appeared in front of them, it was Djun Kian.

"Leaders of Earth, Welcome" He said, and somehow even those who couldnt speak english could understand me.

"No need for those translators, i can make sure you all understand me" He said as he cleared his throat and began speaking.

"Where should i start, Ah yes. The Scattered Heavens Realm, what you all call the universe is nothing more than a part of tthe greater universe. The Scattered Heavens Realm is a special space where thousands of different worlds exist and all have a special energy called Spirit Energy, it is what allows me to have such abilites. And i am the son of one of the Nine Golden Councilmen, who rule the Scattered Heavens Realm" He stopped to take a deep breath before continuing.

"And we are here to invite you, Earth. to become a part of the Union of Scattered Heavens Realm, and of course all of you are wondering how is this possible, well my father and his fellow councilmen, will make sure that your mortal planet will become a Spirit Heaven, or a Planet with abundant Spirit Energy" He said as he pulled out a golden paper out of nowhere, the paper illuminated almost the entire room.

And with a flash of light another four copies appeared, "If you gentlemen sign these papers you will be considered the Official Leaders of Earth and are invited to become Bronze Councilmen" He said as the papers floated and landed in front of the five world leaders.

"But.. Why?" The President of America, Joe Biden asked.

"Of course you wouldnt know but, The Union of Scattered Heavens or to make it short, USH want to make sure that the entite Scattered Heaven Realm is united, not leaving behind a single planet" Djun Kian Answered.

"Okay, and how are you gonna transform our planet into a so called 'Spirit Heaven'" Mohammed Bin Salman Said, The Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia said.

"Very Simple actually, Since the Golden Councilmen are amongst the strongest in the Scattered Heavens Realm, they are able to open a sort of gate to an different dimensional plane, Called the Energy Source World" He Said, "This world has a sort of Energy Generator that produces an infinite amount of energy and said energy is spread across the entire Scattered Heavens Realm"

"And how did you come here" Vladimir Putin asked.

"Through a Source Energy Gate, which will serve as a gateway between your world and the Energy Source World, of course if too much Spirit energy enters your world too fast itll explode so in order to prevent that, we will slowly in periods of a year open it for a week to allow your world to get used to the spirit energy influx and eventually once it reaches a certain level itll become a Spirit Heaven" He said.

"Well, Gentlemen it has been fun but i most go. also the Source Energy gate is schedulded to open aroundd, 10 minutes from now. Have fun!" he said as he teleported away.

"What the hell.." Xi Jinping said but suddenly he thought of something, 'If it relates to that then my country may have a gigantic headstart' he thought as he stood up and said, "Thank you for the invitation President Biden" he said as his translator, translated it for him.

Then Both left, Following The crown prince of saudi arabia and The President of India.

And they all left with the golden contract.

"Biden, we cant allow our greed and animosity to blind what is going on here, this is a much greater force than anything, we have ever faced so we must band together as citizens of this world and work together for a better future" He said.

( A/N: Just assume the Translators are translating what is being said )

"You're right, we must prepare for that gate being opened. We must inform the public" President Biden said with a solemn expression.

State Texas, Texas Desert.

10 minutes later

"Alright, Father! Open the Source Energy Gate" Djun Kian said into some sort of green jade as he jumped through the portal, and instantly after the transluscent portal turned blue as something in large amounts poured out and instantly spread across the entire planet.

This moment right here, would change the direction of the fate of Earth. Forever.

New York, New York City, Filly's house.

As filly sat in the living room sitting next to his single parentt, His Mother.

She is Mexican and her name is Isabelle Lopez, Filly's father, Hussein Ait Achti.

They both watched the tv as it broadcasted footage of the President.

"Citizens of the United states of America, Today something has occured that will change the directory of history forever, extra terrestrial beings have entered our planet and have made contact with not only me but other world leaders, and today will be the day that the Age of Cultivation will start" He said.

"The age of what now?" Filly said extremely confused.