The Truth


I stared at the figure before me with wide eyes just to make sure that I wasn't staring at a ghost. But as her figure became bolder, I soon came to realize that I was not stuck inside a nightmare. I was Indeed not seeing things, the lady walking straight to me was none other than Maeve Anders.

Shocked, I immediately turned away and disappeared into the crowd of my co-workers, but I wasn't quick enough. Maeve had spotted me, and had shamelessly given chase. In a matter of her seconds, her cold hands reached out and held onto mine with enough force to snap a wood in half. She wasn't letting go, and I didn't want to start up any unnecessary drama. I had already dealt with Klaus earlier today, and I didn't want the same situation with Maeve.

Taking in deep breaths, I turned to face the antithesis of my happiness with a practiced smile spread across my face.