Sharing A Secret

That evening had passed torturously slow for him. Astor had been unable to keep up with the conversations held at the table and quite a few times Ren had asked him if there was something wrong with him. He had just brushed it off as fatigue. So many things had happened lately that it was only natural for him to feel exhausted, which he actually was but that wasn't the only reason. 

He had excused himself early, wanting to be alone so he could put his thoughts in order. As he laid on his bed, looking blankly at the ceiling the photos that he had found flashed before his eyes again and again. Moments, memories he didn't even remember he had were locked away in Ren's drawer. He couldn't find a reason why he would have them, one thing was for sure though, the Alpha of the Crimson Nightcrawlers had not saved him just because of a debt or because of his kind heart.