A New Follower

Both of them were standing outside the house, checking the perimeter for unwanted guests. The compound owned by the Highfangs was pretty with little green gardens and blooming flowers. The smell of wood and the sound of the rustling leaves traveling with the air. The sun was warm, landing gently on their skin as they waited in silence for someone to talk first, both of them filled with so many words but restraining themselves in fear of saying something wrong.

"You are my brother. My twin brother but I will always serve Ren." Niss announced, breaking the burdensome silence. 

"You are my sister. My twin sister but I will always serve Astor."

"All that just because of a little crush? Do you have any idea what Ren could do to you? You stormed with his mate in the middle of the night and…"

"It's not just a little crush. It's not even a like. It's something different, something I can't explain." Nash said, his eyes truthful as he spoke to his sister.