Xander’s POV

Since Dragonia is a kingdom with Lords ruling over their lands as Kings, it's important to have an independent organisation that will regulate the rules and laws of Dragonia over everyone.

It's for this that I propose a council that will consist of one member of each ruling family. That way, this council will act as a checkmate preventing abuse of power, and as a supreme authority to make decisions for and on the behalf of all Dragonia.

-Palet Lenklock's suggestion to all the Lords in the east, west, south and north.


Historical rumours suggest that the Royalty Council was not formed primarily for justice or to regulate the Lords, but rather to combat a singular threat—Kankari Attamas.

Kankari, alongside his dragon Lunma, formed an unparalleled duo, striking fear into the hearts of other lords. His power was so immense that they whispered in fear, unsure of how to confront his might.

Lunma, being a direct descendant of the formidable Dundare dragon line, added to their intimidation. A formidable dragon paired with an equally formidable rider demanded either admiration or fear, and the lords chose the latter.

No lord believed they could challenge Kankari's power and influence. Neither the Albridges and Taramas' to the south, nor the Briendas and Stormwards to the east. Not even the Ironhearts and Baldrigs to the west, nor the Lenklocks that resided in the north alongside the Attamas' dared to rise against him

But you see, all of this now is just history.

While today, it may seem that some semblance of equality has been achieved, the Royalty Council have now taken another, albeit, sordid shape. One where power and might spoke mightier than the laws.

The weak were crushed beneath their feets and the strong squirmed underneath their tight grips.

Temper justice with mercy? Those were words they knew nothing of, but it didn't matter to Xander because he was far from being weak.

When he informed the bell ringer that he had a petition to lay before the Royalty Council, ignoring the poor boy's wide eyes for the petition bell had not been rung in eight years, Xander thought of how he had gotten this far, and the words of his late mother which had been said to him amidst vomit of blood and gore.

Living a life with no purpose is as good as being dead.

Today, he might as well revive his purpose which he had lost somewhere along the way.

The petition bell was a last resort reserved only for members of the royal family to seek Justice. It was hardly rung, and that was for good reasons.

The punishment for ringing the bell without a good reason was met with fierce penalties like Banishment, and even execution in dire circumstances. But Xander was not afraid of all those things because he was confident in his reasons for ringing the bell

From the designated bell tower in Lenklock castle, the bell rang shrilly, sending a dark chill up in the air, and goosebumps over everyone that heard it.

"It will be a tough fight." Astrid tells him through their bond in her velvety voice that sounded breathless as a result of her poisoning.

"It will be worth it." He replies back just as Vinnandra joins him at the entrance of the Royalty Council's officiating tower stationed from the Lenklock castle where he stood, awaiting fate and judgement.

The red-haired woman fascinated him and confused him greatly. One minute she is feisty and looks like she will burn down the world even though she has no strength to speak of, but then the other minute she looks so weak and defeated—typical of someone who had the whole world against her.

Xander had a feeling she would continue to be the former, the fire in her eyes had now taken an iciness that he liked for sure.

But what fascinated him more than that was her hair. Currently, the wind was blowing against it, scattering wisps of red across her pale face and neck.

What was she? Dragon rider… or witch? Or perhaps something in between?

From their trifecta bond it was hard to say what it is exactly as she was yet to show any ability. But Xander had a feeling it was something in between. What that could be would be either a pleasant surprise, or a rude awakening.

"Are you ready, Vinnandra the hateful?" He asks her. His way of addressing her wasn't in any way to mock her, but to make her accept the harsh reality of who it is that she is. That's what identities are made for anyways… for acceptance and not denial.

One doesn't deny who they are… only ruin waits at the end of such foolery.

Vinnandra didn't seem to mind anyway… she never minded. Turning to face him squarely, she nods firmly. At the same time, the sound of strong wings flapping through the air permeated the tower they were in… and then multiple dragons came into sight revealing the full entourage of the Royalty Council.

Xander noted that it had only taken them three hours to come since the bell rang, which meant they had convened for a meeting somewhere not far. Usually, it took the council twenty-four hours at the very least to convene, which made sense in theory as some of its members like the Albridge's and Taramas' lived as far South.

Xander revelled in the sight of all those dragon riders with their dragons barreling for the tower.

This is it, where true power lies.

Not in being a lord, or even being an heir. Being a member of the council was equal to rising to the highest power in Dragonia.

They, originally created to fight against one man, now fought against all men as a true powerhouse.

Xander watched Vinnandra shut her eyes, breathing steadily. He hadn't tried it yet, but he attempted to reach through their bond and communicate to her.

"Are you afraid?" He asks. She startles at his voice in her head, then smiles. She closes her eyes again, and Xander knows she is trying to communicate back in said manner.

"Open your eyes." It comes out more like a command and her eyes open, but he suspects it was most likely by instinct than any other thing.

"Open your eyes and try again." He tells her, holding her eyes with his but seeing no trace of fear in them. She visibly struggles to communicate back through the bond, but not for long.

"I'm not afraid." She answers. But she need not to, Xander was acutely aware of it. If not from her blue crystal eyes, then from their bond… both showed no fear on her part.

Their moment is interrupted by the sound of approaching footsteps signalling the arrival of the Council. At their head stands an older woman with grey-white hair and a tightly pinched face Xander knew more than any face.

Zenerox Attamas.

"Heir Xander Lenklock, did you summon this council?" She inquired, her face unsmiling and stern like the woman Xander knew too well for his liking.

"Yes, I did." Xander answers, facing the council of which his father, Xavier Lenklock was a part of. But the man barely looked at him, the same way he never did since Xander was given birth to.

"Well state your reasons and council may well commence… of course, that is if your reasons are fitting."

All the while, everyone was acting like the red-haired woman besides him didn't exist, none of them sparing Vinnandra any attention.

In a bold move, Xander firmly clasped Vinnandra's hands in his own, sparking a momentary but noticeable shift in the demeanour of his father and the other council members. Previously disinterested, they now regarded the pair with a newfound curiosity, as if recognizing that this meeting was anything but ordinary.

"I call this council to request the revocation of Vinnandra the hateful's status as an official slave."

Zenerox scoffed incredulously, her laughter much like that of her granddaughter's, Selene. "On what grounds?" She asks.

"On the grounds that she is now bonded to me, dragon rider Xander Lenklock, and my dragon, Astrid."

His words sent a ripple of shock through the council, drawing their undivided attention to the woman whose existence they had been ignoring.