The Contract

Let me tell you what we do at the Dragon's Academy… Rider's Academy, whatever you call it. There, we groom the next generation of elite riders that will ride the most formidable dragons. It's also there that we groom the most powerful dragon eggs and dragons, who will take over the sky as the god Gloptra has mandated it to be.

- Dragon and Riders Academy by Palet Lenklock.

"Pray tell what it is?" Xander asked, not even attempting to appear intrigued by her sudden inspiration.

"I am going to attend the dragon academy." Vinnandra announces like she just won the lottery.

Xander didn't look shocked or amazed at her so-called idea. Which was fine and good… not like Vinnandra was waiting for his acknowledgment of her (air quote) 'bright idea'.

"That's fine and good. I'm going to assume you've money to get yourself through." He says and Vinn's jaw drops. Her hands almost slipped from the towel she was clutching tightly to her body.

Was he really thinking about money now?

"You're rich, I'm sure your pocket won't dent if you loan me some." She was searching his face for any sign of… something. He wasn't being serious now was he?

He smiles, exposing flawless white teeth. "How good of you to feel entitled to any penny I own. The academy costs a lot, I'm sorry I don't have money to loan." He didn't sound sorry at all.

Entitled?! They were bonded, didn't that count for something? Besides, Vinn didn't think that offering her a pinch of his overwhelming, entitled wealth would put a dent to his equally overflowing pocket! This maddening man was just being cruel!

She took, deep calming breaths, taking note of the playful smirk Xander was putting on. He wanted something in return, well two could play the game at the same time.

"What do you want in return, heir Xander, please?" She asks, her last sentence laced with sarcasm so heavy it could paint a whole town red. Vinn tried to summon her inner puppy eyes while at it, but she suspected from the way that Xander was admiring his delicate fingers like they were trophies, she had woefully failed.

"Whoever said I want anything from you? Like you said, we're bonded… it's just that I can't really help you." He was wearing a devilish smirk, still examining his fingers and barely looking at her.

He was lying of course. While not everyone knew about the Lenklock heir's business, Vinn heard enough rumours of how he invested heavily in the night scene. Tavern houses, entertainment places, bars all over town, exclusive elite clubs… he owned most of them in Lenklock and beyond.

Yes, Xander Lenklock had enough money to sponsor a whole at the academy and still not feel the pain of it. Which meant whatever he would ask in return from her, she wouldn't like.

She didn't mind though, how bad could it be?

"Please…" she gritted her teeth while begging, Xander found her amusing, "just help your poor bonded hateful woman only this once.

He smiled secretively, finally giving her all his attention. "Now that's how you beg."

Vinn wanted to roll her eyes so badly, but advised against it. She was now a free woman, but with the change of status came the realisation that she was poorer than a church rat, with no family or friends to rely on.

This man, Xander Lenklock, was all she had… as pitiful as that sounds. And she was lucky he was not kicking her out of his care… yet.

"But I'm not interested in your pleas, they mean nothing."

The gods, was he not infuriating.

"You need me as much as I need you." Vinn snaps back, giving in to the urge to say something equally as maddening.

"Yes, but who says I need you educated? I could have you as a maid cleaning my quarters, you would be surprised but I hear the pay is great." He quips back. The smartass, he had a reply to about everything.

Vinn fell silent, trying hard to summon back the pathetic puppy eyes…

"Trust me, you will find I am more useful to you educated, than a maid. It will be a waste to have me otherwise." She says through their bond and feels pleased at the way his eyes flare with surprise at the sudden invasion.

He grumbles something that suspiciously sounds like 'I will never get used to that' and then says, "Fine, I see Astrid has been teaching you some tricks."

The picture of innocence, she replies, "Tricks? I'm not sure I know what you're talking about."

Ignoring her, Xander reaches for pen and paper by her bedside table. He scribbles something on the paper, and then passes it to Vinn who was aware that she was still in nothing else but her towel.

Was this what life with Xander Lenklock will be like? Acting like a full clothed man and a woman on nothing but a towel being in the same room is nothing? Vinn wasn't sure she could live that way, not without regular heart palpitations every now and then.

Vinn pursued the paper, her jaw dropping with each word she read.


Xander agrees to pay the following for Vinnandra;

1. Full school tuition and every other miscellaneous school expenses

2. Feeding and accommodation

3. Personal expenses (only basic ones)

In return, Vinnandra would do the following;

4. Do anything Xander asks her to do

5. Come running whenever Xander summons her

6. Do everything in her power to protect the trifecta bond, and ensure the well being of Astrid.

7. And whatever else that Xander might deem fit to add to this contract.

Signed: Xander

Signed: ————

The space was waiting for her signature. Xander kept tapping his feet against the floor impatiently, looking at her for her next move. Vinn didn't even bother commenting that clause 7 was as illegal as they came.

Did he seriously think that she wouldn't sign the contract? Attending academy was a dream her family deprived her of, she wasn't going to let anything deprive her of it anymore, not when she finally had a second chance at life.

She took the pen and scribbled her signature. "The sixth clause wasn't necessary. It's a natural duty of mine." She says as she hands over the frail paper back to Xander who carefully folds it and tucks it in one of the many pockets of his clothing.

"Well, all this won't make sense if you don't get admission into the academy." He says, standing up in an attempt to leave.

"True…" Vinn muses to herself. The admission process didn't scare her one bit. Some stupid admission test won't keep her away from her dream of attending academy.

Wait a minute… "Why were you in my room in the first place?" Vinn asks, Xander's retreating figure pausing at the door.

"Because I knew you would make me an offer I wouldn't resist." He smiles, and then shuts the door behind him.