The Entrance Tests (3)

"That is the Primarch," Almost as if he was summoned by her mind, Kaelan appeared beside her, answering her unvoiced questions.

"The school head?" Vinn asked just to be sure she heard right.

"One and only." Kaelan said, his eyes shining with admiration as he looked at the Primarch, "he too is the source of my inspiration to spearhead equality."

"How so?" Vinn asked, pretending to be invested in his equality talk.

"You don't know, the Primarch is not royalty. Well, not entirely." Speaking in a lower voice as if he was about to tell a secret he continued, "he is the son of a commoner but he is also the half-brother of Princess Aria, so half commoner I guess."

"Who is Princess Aria?" Vinn asked. Kaelan gave her a genuine look of bafflement.

"You're joking right? How can you not know who Princess Aria Brienda is?"

"I really don't know what that is." The surname, Brienda, she knew. They were after all one of the ruling powers in the east alongside the Stormwards.

"Well I do know that Lord Xavier Lenklock forbade her name from being spoken here in the north, but she is after all Xander's mother how could you not know that. Stop pulling this man's legs."

"What? Xander's mother?" Vinn was truly bewildered. Now she thought about it, no one ever really talked about the late Lady Lenklock back at the castle. Except for the fact that she died from illness when Xander was five, not much else was said.

So she was a royalty from the east. While royal marriages were uncommon, powerful marital alliances still made the news.

"I can't believe you don't know. Well, technically speaking the Primarch is Xander Lenklock's uncle. Even though he was born out of wedlock, man managed to rise through the dirt into becoming one of the most fearsome riders in Dragonia. A Primarch is no small post you know."

No, it wasn't a small post. The Primarch pretty much governed everything that went on in the Dragons and Riders Academy. Vinn knew Xander was pretty much reserved, but how could he not say anything about…about…him?

"So you made it to the second test." Vinn said, changing the topic of their conversation.

Kaelan smiled proudly, "Girl, we are going to meet on resumption day." Vinn smiled too, she too hoped for that.

Angry prince was thrown out of the premises after his little show, the Primarch disappeared just as he appeared, and the second tests began. It was much easier, well, for Vinn. A hundred question aptitude test on general knowledge about Dragonia. The threshold to pass was seventy percent. At the end, over one hundred and fifty students were disqualified and a little more than a hundred proceeded for the final tests.

The test of physical strength.

This time around, it wasn't Malone and Marenda that presided over the test, it was instead the most muscular, bulky man that Vinn had ever seen. Her eyes threatened to fall off from its sockets at the sheer hugeness of the man. She knew it was a test of physical strength but still…did they have to be so literal about it?

If this man trimmed their remaining numbers, there would be barely fifty candidates left.

"Stand in four queues according to your regions!" He bellowed and everyone obeyed, scrambling to their places.

"I am Master Kaldor Grimmok and I will be testing you today." The man announced, pacing back and forth. "If your thighs are weak and wobbly, then the Academy is certainly not for you.

"If your stability is well…unstable, then you're most certainly not supposed to be here. If you've hands made of chalk, or well, something equally just as weak, then you're not fit to make it to Academy! If you can't keep your balance on a mere transport dragon, well I don't need to say that you're not meant to be here."

Vinn gulped. She felt like Master Kaldor looked at her while saying the last sentence.

"Tasks will be assigned at random and you will be graded by me. Misfits will be out before my pen has the time to descend and grade your measly grades, while those who fit in are free to go back home and prepare for resumption."

Vinn almost felt scared, but then squared her shoulders remembering all that it took her to get to where she currently was at. She was not weak, she was going to make it through the tests if she had to fight tooth and nail for it.

The dimming sun was hovering within sight as the tasks were assigned. Some applicants were assigned to long timed marathons filled with obstacles, while some were assigned to Dragons Leap—an activity where participants must jump through a series of platforms, avoiding hazards to reach the other side. Someone like Kaelan was assigned climbing where one had to climb a steep cliff using only hands and feets. As for Vinn, she was assigned one-on-one boxing with Master Kaldor himself.

Kill her now. What was it with her luck?

"Goodluck." Kaelan mouthed at her as each task group left for their designated places. Vinn was led to a boxing ring, and a few minutes later, Master Kaldor joined her.

She tried remembering everything that Xander taught her during their training. Her body still felt sore from the straight defeat she got from him, so it shouldn't be that hard to muster a punch now should it? She closed her eyes, saying a silent prayer to Gloptra.

Whether it be your will or not, I must pass this test.

She got into a fighting stance. Her feet shifted into position, one slightly ahead of the other, weight evenly distributed between them as Xander taught her. Her knees were bent, ready to spring into action. Her fists clenched, knuckles white with determination, held up to protect her face. Shoulders relaxed but ready to move at a moment's notice. Eyes focused, scanning her imaginary opponent for any sign of weakness. She took a deep breath, centering herself, ready to unleash her non-existent skills.

Because no matter how much Xander taught her, one didn't become a professional boxer with just five days of training. Especially not when your opponent is fourteen times your size. It was suicide mission, she knew it, her opponent knew it. But still, she would try her best even if it was the bare minimum.

"Hit me." Master Kaldor said, surprising her.


"Hit me." He repeated, his stance relaxed. "You know how to do that much don't you?"


Vinn had to look at him, really look at him to ascertain if he was being serious or just pulling her legs. Seeing no sign of a joke, she barreled for him, punching him in the guts with all her strength but it sounded more like she ploughed into iron with broken twigs. He made no sound, didn't grunt or even twitch to show that something made an impact with him.

Master Kaldor instead picked up his clipboard, scribbles something in it and then says, "I expect to see you on resumption day Vinnandra Albridge." Then he leaves behind a dumbfounded Vinn.