I’m Here, Vinnandra


"What wedding?" Xander's voice was calm, a stark contrast to the tension that thickened the air. The reaction around the table made him feel like he had suggested something utterly absurd, like moving to Vale, the witches abode, and living there forever.

"Our wedding, of course," Selene drawled, a hint of amusement in her tone. She turned to her mother, Lady Attamas, and remarked, "I told you Xander is a most peculiar man."

"A peculiar man indeed," his future mother-in-law commented, cutting into her steak with a commendable precision.

"I know men your age enjoy…dallying." Zenerox Attamas said, her voice as cool as frostbite as she focused her attention on him. "But you are the Heir to the Lenklock name, marriage at this age will make you appear more serious minded. Dallying about is for people without class."