The Past And The Future

"To practise my powers?!" Vinnandra was baffled as she increased her steps to catch up with Xander who was the very picture of a man on a mission.

"Yes, you mentioned you might be able to help Astrid if you can see who poisoned her in the first place?"

"Yes…but this is too sudden, I need to practise privately to be confident enough to try anything." She stressed the word privately to make her point.

Xander suddenly stopped and Vinn was careful not to bump into his back. She needn't be too careful though as Xander, realising the consequence of his abrupt halt, craftily side-stepped away so their bodies wouldn't touch.

Vinn didn't know whether to be hurt at the action, but she understood it nonetheless. As much as a toddler would understand the alphabet. Xander didn't want her having any access to his mind. And that meant a no-touching rule had to be enforced.

"In that case you can practise directly on her." He said, impatience seeping from his words.