Forgotten Mission

Defection is when a witch of the Vale surrenders their freedom and will to Dragonia. 

A defected witch is a witch who has surrendered to Dragonia, and as such is seen as a citizen of the same. Such a witch must drink the Elder Dragon's blood to ensure their loyalty, and the tattoo of the elder dragon shall be tattooed on their chest.

- The Book of Defection by Elara Stormward

While the Primarch's office was growling with the onset of a begrudging fight, outside was something entirely different.

The students, who had been asked to go about their activities like nothing happened and that the witch was already caught, found themselves staring before yet another one.

To them, it was a rare sight just as it was a dangerous one, for standing at the high podium where students normally gathered for crest announcements was a raven black-haired girl, with a deathly pale skin, and an iridescent glow to her eyes.