Of Blood And Curses

It's been proven knowledge that while the bond between a dragon and dragon rider is powerful, transcending death, I find in a trifecta bond, the witch doesn't share the same emotional attachments.

If the dragon dies, the witch won't feel the pain.

If the rider dies, the witch won't feel the pain of the loss.

If both die, the witch still won't feel the pain of the loss.

And if the witch dies, the rider and his dragon won't feel anything.

- Dragon-Witch Observer Kuli's observation on the study of the first ever trifecta bond between Elara Stormward, her dragon Mil and their witch bonded, Drig popularly known as: The Elara-Mil-Drig Case Study.

Blackened blood poured freely from the woman's stabbed shoulder as she was laid on a mobile bed in the Primarch's office.