Trifecta Bond On Air

The Military Riders Sphere shall be responsible for the welfare and protection of Dragonia. With the strongest dragons, the riders shall be responsible for protecting Dragonia from invasion of the enemy.

As the most strategic sphere, its riders shall be the best, and every rider's ability shall be trained for warfare. On the other hand, the dragon shall be moulded to know how to use its fire to most importantly defend and combat.

- The Riders Guide by Multiple Authors.

Class elections were held impromptu the next day which happened to be open day. And to no one's surprise, Kaelan Baldrig was elected as class leader.

No longer panicking from fear of the elections and bustling with happiness, Kaelan appointed Rowan Ironheart as the assistant class leader, to assist him in that capacity.

In Kaelan's own words, he needed someone serious and stiff to counter his overall playfulness.