The Boy That Never Died

A dragon without a rider is useless in warfare. An unbounded dragon on the other hand is generally useless to Dragonia owing to the fact that they are rash, domineering, and largely untamed.

- The Book on DragonKind by Multiple Authors

Xander paused slightly, then resumed throwing things into his bag.

"Do you want to be strong?" He asked instead, not exactly answering her question.

"Who wouldn't want to be strong?" Vinn answered, finding his question weird, "is it not only the strong that survive in our world?"

Xander carried his leather bag on his shoulders, and then walked towards her.

"Since tonight, I've been feeling like I owe you some sort of explanation," he said, completely changing the topic.

A chill came over Vinn as she guessed where Xander could be going with what he was saying.