Somewhere At Vale

Your third mission lies in the East of Dragonia, Brienda Fortress in particular.

Approach the fortress in your capacity as Lady Albridge, and steal intelligence as to its layout. 

However you must be wary of the one they call Princess Aria Brienda. We hear she is very friendly to witches, however this only means she can just as easily spot one.

- The Valian Council Presenting the Five Missions to Tyra Lanasis (Saegra)

In a long drab hall built with polished marble and cobblestone, the steps of a man can be heard as he walked the long winding corridor, the soles of his shoes loud against the polished floors.

The long winding corridor is decorated with oil paintings of numerous gods and goddesses. The man barely takes any notice of them.

He had come to find one woman, and that woman was at the end of the corridor… probably already waiting for him.