Heir Ironheart

The Dragon-Egg Hunt is the most popular and basic way of acquiring the bond. It mainly involves acquiring the bond by meeting your destined dragon. 

In some cases like the academy hunt, it involves the show of strength to prove alignment with a dragon's temperament, where dragons ready to bond are set off in a particular area, and the best man wins.

In the case of an egg, the rule of first finder applies. He who finds the dragon egg and hatches it shall be automatically bound to the hatchling.

- The Riders Guide By Multiple Authors

Kai Ironheart was not a cold man. On the contrary, something about his eyes showed rare sense and wit. But no matter, that was not Vinnandra's worries.

She cared not for his wit, nor his sensibilities—no matter how much his aged eyes scrutinised her at that moment.

"What makes you think it was intentional?" He quizzed back, accessing her.