It’s My Turn To Bewitch You

There's another theory that when a rider shows a true strength of character and behaviour, his or her destined dragon shall come to him naturally.

Such is the truth in the case of Phylux Taramas the Supreme Commander whose strength beckoned on his dragon bonded,Ork, who happens to be a legendary dragon. 

While the true extent and functionality of dragon summoning and dragon beckoning have not been understood, sufficient research shows that they do in fact, exist.

- The Rider's Guide by Multiple Authors

"Do you always greet your visitors with a dagger in hand?" Xander teased, the shadows still covering part of his left features.

Even though Vinnandra could not see him well entirely, she knew his left lips were probably curved upwards in a smile. Without thinking much about it, she ran to him, falling on him as she engulfed him in a hug.