Ghosts From Her Past

We initially seized the necklace found on witch defector 555. 

However, as she pointed out it was the last keepsake she had of her family, we gave it back to her years later after our other witch defectors found nothing unusual about it.

The witch defectors that examined the necklace were; Alakan Bristom and Alphine Moguard.

Signed: Witch-Hunter Khaid

- Witch Hunter's Fifth Collection on Defection Witches.

Three Days Ago At Brienda Castle

Marenda made it to the cell of the man, and the sound of chains rattling was the first thing she heard. She didn't hear Khaid behind her, nonetheless, she advanced forward, all her senses heightened.

Her powers were just at the tip of her fingers, like the stroke of lightning waiting to be unleashed at her command. She breathed lightly as she watched the man whose hands and legs were bound to chains.