Penetration Was Successful

There are five tribes in Vale serving as an umbrella to numerous clan underneath it; The Akira Tribe, Haremed Tribe, Umbta Tribe, Mahan Tribe, and the Wol Tribe.

- A Witch-Defectors Report on Vale. 

The other Tribal Heads bowed their heads on hearing the High Lord thunderous roar. But Head Akira remained in her position, her head raised firmly in what could be termed defiance.

"How could they possibly know the answer to that question when they are not the ones who have defected."

The High Lord scoffed, laughing hard. He stood, his white dress flailing around him, "I can see you've not quite repented from mouthing off at your lord and supreme. In that case I must ask you, Akira, for what reason did the man attempt to defect for? What reason was responsible for waking up one day and then deciding that his only route for survival lies in that despicable place?"