Five Hours Ago

Do you know the witch-spy, Briar Bristol? She calls herself Saegra

-I truly know nothing of her. Do you say she is a witch?

Signed by Khaid.

- Witch-Defector 554's Third Interrogation (Classified)

"How will you do it? How will you take my revenge?"

Vinnandra's eyes flew open as Zalreth's word filtered through her mind. The wounds on her body had suddenly disappeared, and she felt like her body was new.

She breathed hard, then hard, then hard again. The dragon's fierce eyes had not waned a bit, but behind its usual fierceness was something slipping away.

Zalreth was seriously wounded… so much so that Vinn wasn't too sure she would make it.

So even with that realisation, she couldn't summon the will to be happy at the additional bond. There in that ice forest, trapped in the unknown, she only felt dread and more dread.