Journey To The Elders’ Abode

The Supreme Commander is the only one with authority to officially declare war. However such a declaration must be approved by the Royalty Council. If not, then it can't be said that there is war.

- The Code of the Military Riders Sphere

The one thing that Xander hated about their situation was the fact that Astrid wasn't available. He could summon his dragon whenever he wanted to, but it would take some time for Astrid to appear since she was still searching for a hatching place.

So there he was facing some of the most formidable people in their world without any armour of his own. It was a truly precarious situation indeed.

Xander and his companions led the Supreme Commander, Zaren Taramas, Lady Stormward, and Lord Lenklock to the abode of the academy elders. Their procession was left outside since Xander had all but declared that if they wanted to have access to the academy, they had to go through the Elders.