The More The Merrier

I stare at the hardened hot grounds in the west, cracked from an otherworldly force and I think how beautiful it is…

…how beautiful it is to have a foundation not look like what it is meant to be, but instead, look like the chaos it's meant to wade off. Foundations? Such faulty things. I know that cause I too am the faulty Heir of theIronheart name. A title stolen from its rightful owner.

- Kai Ironheart.

"I think I need some help here!" Kaelan screamed at them as he still struggled to rein in his dragon.

It seemed the thing was thrashing alongside him on air, neither knowing how to control the other.

"I don't think we are allowed to touch your dragon!" Vinnandra screamed back her answer from where she was mounted on Zalreth as they hovered on the air.