Flurry Of Ice And Anger

I have always dreamed of a world. A world where everyone can exist without the fear of stigmatization… a world where no one will be trampled on because of their class or origins.

I, a small man from a smaller origin bears the burden of such a mighty dream. With such mantle resting on my shoulders, for sure, many will be squashed…and many a voices shall be silenced. But at the end, it shall be well worth it…

…because there shall be equality for all.

- Kaelan Baldrig (Year One Class Leader)

It was nothing like she expected when they finally stumbled on Jalamayun… and no, he wasn't alone. He was with the other witches from the clearing, and the man with with a jar of Zalreth's blood whom Vinnandra sought out the most was there staring at them on their dragons menancingly.