The End Or…?

Have you ever found yourself staring back at yourself in the form of another? In her, I didn't just find myself, but I also found the parts of myself which I have always thought were missing.

She might think I am the one who saved her, but in reality, it is I who was redeemed by her.

- Xander Lenklock

"Where are you Vinnandra?!"

Was she already dead and in heaven? Of course, this was what heaven would look like for her. Her heaven would certainly have Xander's beautiful voice haunting her at every turn.

What a sweet heaven.

Death wasn't so bad afterall. Not if a piece of Xander was right there with her.

"I am here," she said out loud, and she felt tears streaming down her cheeks. Wow, so in heaven she could even cry? Was it not supposed to be a place free from pain and all that? Why was it that she still felt all the pain her human body bore before she died?