It’s Over, Just Like That?

Jalamayun burned.

In that moment when the man decided to hurl himself into the suicidal mission of taking Zalreth down, a snide move where the witch with the jar of blood emerged from behind Vinnandra, eyes scorching with hatred at Zalreth—the yellow smoke they had shot in the air proved to more effective than Vinn originally anticipated.

It was as if they were never far away to begin with—Xander and his company.

"Drakonix." Vinn had screamed through their bond at Zalreth, unwilling to be pulled down again.

Astrid and Zalreth had descended on the witch at the same time even as Bella moved to lock the fist fortress into position.

At first, it seemed Jalamayun was well prepared. He had already conjoured up his infamous ward despite how weak he looked. So the ward had successfully blocked Zalreth's fire that was at his forefront. However, Astrid's flame that attacked him from the rear was a different story.