Bonus 3: The Boy & His Mother

"I will not have anymore of your insolence you bratty child! From who did you get this untoward behavior of yours?!"

Lady Lenklock screamed at her errant, bratty, and of lately, too bold of a five year old son.

With another child on the way, she hardly had the time to entertain the whims of Xander Lenklock.

"I said I must go with you!" The boy screamed, tears streaming down his face that was set in determination so profound, that the Lady's maidservants quivered before the boy's temper.

The servants paused in their packing of the Lady's properties, their attention briefly drawn away from their job to the spectacle that was unfolding before them.

"Why must you dare me?" Lady Lenklock huffed with indignation, "you might be just five, but I've always warned you to remember that your place is here, as the heir of Lenklock castle. I shall not hear a word of you following me again."