Her Rotten Heart

When the day of reckoning comes… I wonder which will swallow me first;

The pain that is just pain? Or perhaps the pain which I take undue pleasure from?

- Vinnandra'a Musings in Saegra's Empty Diary, Gifted To Her By Lord Albridge.

The healers threw themselves a despairing look. "My Lady, we are doing our best… but I'm afraid we can't do much about her."

Vinnandra didn't know when it happened, but she had become too fond of Lady Brienda to the point where her pain was personal to her.

"Try harder," Vinn said to the healers in a firm voice, "you must not give up, not when the Lady still has hope."

The healers glanced at each other, but then they immediately went to work, examining the creature as if trying to search for the mysterious answers to her ailment.