The Secret Council

I, Zenerox Attamas, Second of her Name, Head of he Royalty Council, and Queen Dowager of the Attamas Castle, solemnly create this council.

Let the blood of my blood lay witness, that I've not betrayed the good intentions of Gloptra our god. And let all dragons pay heed, that this council shall only seek the furtherance and rise of Dragonia, and the humiliating fall of the Vale our sworn enemies.

I, Zenerox Attamas, promise to do no harm. So help me Gloptra.

- Zenerox Attamas' Oath to the newly created Secret Council

Vinnandra's attempt to shrug off Xander's stare had her bumping into nine other than Kai Ironheart.

"Did you hear? A bunch of traitors from a small village close to Baldrig Fortress were arrested. They have been greatly suspected for colliding with the witch, Kanagi."

Vine sighed, "I am still of the opinion to find out whether this Kanagi is one man or many men."