Dragon Beckoning 1

Dragon Beckoning looks at strength and not affection. Dragons and Riders born of this bond make for the best at war front of they are most Brutal, Icy, and Vengeful.

- Master Tharros Tharros (Master of Dragons)

"You say you teach her, what of the commands of Dragon Beckoning? Did you teach them to her?"

"I did." Master Zorvix answered, jolting Vinnandra from her reverie.

He did? Vinn wasn't aware that their lessons included such, although it went without saying that Master Zorvix was an evasive man. He hardly shared his thoughts with others, and it was still a thing of wonder that he was a part of the small council.

"There is a dragon in my roost," The Supreme Commander said suddenly for the first time, turning all attention on him. As if on cue, from beneath them, a terrible screech rang clear in the room, jolting and shaking the tea cups on the table.