Dragon Past Canine

"Kalrath Canine!"

The first thing Vinn later noticed was why the name Canine had been given to the creature. With a jaw that encased powerful, albeit, terrifying set of teeth, Vinnandra could not imagine the fate of whatever living thing that Canine caught in the clutches of his jaw.

Zalreth was a shimmering silver beauty alright, but Canine was far from one. There was nothing beautiful about the brutal looking black dragon.

However if brutality was beauty, Canine would be the symbol of it.

The creature, originally hidden in the darkness of the underground conclave let out a terrifying roar that shook the grounds, rattling at the chains that held him bound. The dragon riders were tugged forward by the beast, but they steadfastly held onto the chains as they started chanting the ancient language anew, this time, they sang a song.