The Red-Eyed Witch

While intimacy is allowed between witch defectors, any such child who becomes the offspring of such union shall be subjected to the same laws as witch defectors. And for the purpose of this law, shall be deemed a witch-defector too.

- Witch Defectors Way of Life by Elara Stormward (Revised by Zenerox Attamas).

Vinnandra took flight the next day for the North. For no matter how much she deemed herself not to be a capable rider, and no matter how much she demeaned her abilities, however minute they were. The fact was that she had spent three good years studying at the dragon and riders academy.

And at long last, she was set to become a graduate.

In truth, she couldn't tell whether she enjoyed the two weeks respite from the academy that enabled her to go back to Brienda Castle and continue her private trainings. She would have preferred to be done with the academy once, but alas, their performance still had to be checked.