Why Are You In So Much Pain?

When Vinnandra reached S35, her breath hitched in her throat at the sight before her. She almost lost control of holding onto Zalreth's scale as shock reverberated through her entire body.

Ruin. That was the one word that could be used to describe the cacophony of fallen stones, strewn bodies, and a bloodied dragon that laid before her eyes. Her recurring nightmare of three years was playing out live, and while she knew it would happen, the reality was an entirely different thing.

Men laid before Astrid's red, plaid body in a bloody, burnt mess. Daggers were strewn around them, and Xander stood close to Astrid, his face buried in the dragon's unusually stiff neck.

Vinn dangerously climbed off Zalreth's body at the risk of spraining her ankle, or worse her waist. She ran to the center of attention, barely taking note of the high ranked military riders that were unusually surrounding Astrid. Distantly, she heard one of them say.

"The trap worked."