Chapter IV: Colorful Displays (Pt.1)

 We were back at HQ. Upon arriving at the building, Trik broke off from the rest of us as we saw Michael floating down from a window.

 "Well, now, if it isn't The Invincible Phoenix. If they need my help even with you here, it truly must be dire," Damien said to Michael.

 "Yes, the situation is grave," Michael stated. "I presume your presence means you intend to aid us."

 "Hmm, I have my reasons for being here," Damien responded. "Speaking of which..."

 Damien turned toward me.

 "Care to bring me inside and get things started," he suggested politely.

 Once inside, we got Damien registered as a Primordial, used the energy quantifier to see his EQN, and he underwent the same tests as the others.

 The energy quantifier results were:

 Damien Libi: Lust Primordial

 EQN: 873,000

 Potential: 8,730,000

 His results from the test were:

  Physical Strength (November 4th, 3045): 26.5 tons (Low Level 1)

 Ground Speed (November 4th, 3045): 1,422mph (Low Level 1)

 Flight Speed (November 4th, 3045): Mach 14 (High Level 1)

 Based on his results, he was the second fastest of the group so far, the fourth-strongest, and the fourth most powerful.

 After his tests, we informed him of the entire situation in detail and told him about his origins and the existence of cintracies. He sat patiently and absorbed everything we shared with him.

 Once we were finished, he received the special clothing my mom made for him.

 He immediately went into the nearby private bathroom to change clothes. When he came out, he still wore dark shoes and pants, but his white button-up shirt was replaced with a form-fitting purple vest with his chest and ascension mark exposed. He also switched his dark coat for a white one with white fur around its collar and cuffs. And on his head still sat his white hat.

 His clothes weren't nearly as extravagant as Za'Fia's, but somehow, him standing there, I couldn't help but feel his presence was even more exotic than hers.

 Judging by everyone else's reactions, they felt the same.

 As usual, all eyes were on him. Both men and women crowded around our little private office, trying to get a good look at him as if he were a pop star.

 I had to close the blinds so they'd eventually go away and we'd have some privacy.

 "So, which of my abilities are cintracies," Damien asked Viraa as he inspected the three dark rings around his wrist.

 "Well, as you know, you possess the ability to manipulate lightning," Viraa began. "That comes from your eutierric cintracy, Galvanize. Then there's your ability to manipulate any metal around you, sourced from your temp cintracy, Ferritic Pull. And finally, as you have already given it a name, it is your Submission cintracy. A temp cintracy that I believe you already have an understanding of."

 "You can control metal?" I asked, intrigued.

 Damien smiled as he raised his hand over a box of paper clips, and they all began to float.

 His proficiency was so honed that he could make them all link together as they formed a floating ring around him.

 After sitting on the edge of the table, he made the table and our chairs – us still in them – lift off the floor as well.

 "It's been so long, I'd forgotten to be careful with metal around you," Michael commented as he floated out of his seat and hovered independently.

 "Ohhh, this is fun," Naomi exclaimed as she laughed. Her laugh spread a joyful vibe around the room, making it impossible for me not to join her.

 The way our seats rose and fell kind of felt like a roller coaster.

 "With a little creativity, I can also do things like this," he said as pink lightning flickered around him, heating the paperclip ring until it melted and became liquid.

 He used his power to shape the metal into various things. The first was a kitten-sized panther, and the second was of a menacing wolf (which bittered the mood a bit).

 "Do the light thingy from last time," Naomi urged Damien and Michael excitedly. "The one from the first year we met."

 Damien laughed.

 "Okay," he said as he shaped the metal into a thin net over us and sent a spark of lightning dancing through it.

 "Michael, if you wouldn't mind..." he said smoothly.

 "Don't we have more pressing matters to think about right now," Michael responded as he floated there, arms crossed.

 "Stop being so serious. Lighten up a little," Damien insisted.

 Michael floated there, unresponsive.

 "I'll persuade you if I must," Damien threatened as he pinched the end of one of his gloves and slowly began to remove it.

 "That won't be necessary," Michael sighed, sending multiple specks of light floating onto the net. When Damien's lightning touched one, the speck of light would burst in a pink and yellow flashy display as tiny threads of the same color would wrap around that portion of the net.

 This continued, creating a beautiful light show ending with the net covered in pink and yellow threads that took the shape of a snowflake until they faded away.

 Naomi clapped as she beamed with joy and hugged Damien.

 "Wow, that was amazing," I said, marveling at the show. "Who knew you could combine your powers like that."