Chapter VI: Greek Settings (Pt.1)

 It was November 5th, two days after Damien had joined us. After my talk with Trik, I stayed up all night consoling him, meaning I couldn't search for the final Primordial.

 However, I did use the time I had to learn to use Viraa's Temporal Sight without needing to be asleep.

 The first day wasn't successful. I thought I could simply access the power and view the world, but the moment I cracked it open, so to speak, my mind was flooded with images, and my body was drained of energy. I'd forgotten the last warning Viraa had given me when I tried that and ended up blacking out for the rest of the day. Considering how fast I bounced back, I assumed Michael had something to do with it, but regardless, I could feel a change. That change was what kept me from using it as I slept the night of the 4th. I wanted to at least find the next Primordial consciously.

 Ever since waking early the following day, I had been practicing, trying to gain some control over the power. At some point, an excellent idea popped into my head that helped me tremendously.

 Then, it was almost 11 a.m., and I was still locked inside my room, but I'd learned how to use Temporal Sight while awake as long as I meditated. The only difficulty was being careful how far into the future I looked. It seemed as if the further into the future I peered, the more energy was required. Since I'm a human with a low amount of energy, that limited what I could see without Viraa's help.

 At the moment, I could only manage an hour or so; otherwise, I'd start getting nosebleeds.

  All right, now try again. This time, search for Arne, Viraa instructed.

 While meditating on my bed, I slowed the circulation of my spirit inner spirit energy, allowing my mind to slow and enter a trance.

 I felt my body become weightless as it levitated over my bed.

 While still entranced, I focused on the concept of pride – the urge to defend and protect what one finds important, the admiration one feels for one's achievements, and the drive one experiences to uphold one's honor and dignity.

 Soon, I received that familiar ping followed by a vision of the Earth. Then, the image zoomed to somewhere east of the Atlantic, where I saw a large arena in an area that seemed to have regressed to the ancient technology of stones and fire.

 Then I was back in my room, falling onto my bed.

 The vision seemed clearer now that I had better control, but I was still confused about that last bit.

 "Was the ancient technology part literal or a symbol of something like a metaphor," I asked out loud. "Either way, I should meet the others and tell them what I saw."

 After freshening up, I headed to the office only to find everyone heading toward my room.

 "We were just about to come to check on you," Trik stated. He seemed to be feeling a little better now that he wasn't shouldering his grievances alone anymore. "Michael found you unconscious in your room yesterday."

 "You were bleeding a lot and looked pale," Michael inserted as he watched me.

 "Thanks for that," I told him. "I didn't know I was in that much danger."

 "How did you end up in such a state," he asked. It was hard to tell whether it was from concern or curiosity.

 "I was trying to learn how to use Temporal Sight on my own, but it didn't go well. However, this morning, I did learn that the last Primordial to find is somewhere east of the Atlantic. I think it was somewhere near Italy? I couldn't quite grasp the location, but if we go there, I'm sure Trik can pick up the signal."

 "You tried it again?" Trik said with concern. "How'd you manage to succeed this time?"

 "I mimicked how they heal themselves," I answered proudly, gesturing to Damien and the others. "The meditative process helps them slow their minds and speed up their bodily functions such as regeneration. I used it to help gain control of Viraa's power."

 "All right," Trik said, stunned. "Well, I suppose now we go figure out where the Pride Primordial is."

 "I know where Arne is," Damien mentioned casually.

 Everyone looked at him in silence.

 "Seriously? Because that'll save us some time," Trik responded.

 "I heard something about a fight club in Athens, Greece, a while back. I went and checked it once, so I can confirm that it's there, and the one who runs it is the Pride Primordial," he informed us.

 "Trik, how far is that?" I asked.

 "6.7 thousand miles," he replied with a frown as he slumped his shoulders. "With your flight speed, we're looking at a minimum of sixteen hours of flying. Even with the jet, it'll be a long flight."

 "I'll remain here to watch over HQ," Michael conveniently volunteered.

 "I'll hang back this time, too," Naomi stated with a playful and apologetic grin.

 "I suppose that just leaves me," Damien said lightly. "I'm not keen on long flights, myself, so if you don't mind, I'd like to carry both of you. With my speed, we should get there in around forty minutes."

 Trik's face lit up. Literally.

 "Yes! That's a perfect plan. Right, Lisa," he said as he looked at me, grinning.

 "If he's offering, I'm not gonna say no to an offer like that."

 "Great, then it's settled," Damien said.

 Within the next half hour, Trik, Damien, and I left through a nearby window and headed toward Athens, arriving there less than an hour later.

 "Hmm, they're definitely here," Trik confirmed once we'd landed.

 It was late at night in Athens. We were standing with our backs to a fantastic city. We could hear lively music playing mixed with the occasional joyous laughter of others; however, we were facing an area outside of the town: an empty field that went on for miles at the bottom of the slope we stood on.

 "I'm guessing we have to cross the field to find them?" I asked Damien.

 "No," he and Trik answered.

 "My sensors say they're right in front of us," Trik claimed, confused. "But we can't see anything there."

 "It's a camouflage technology that reflects light on the outside but traps collected light on the inside," Damien explained. "It's used to make night day."

 I looked at him with an addled expression.

 "You'll see what I mean soon. Follow me."